Many people believe that panic attacks are something that cannot be controlled, but this is far from the truth. With an open mind and the proper education, you can have your panic attacks under control in no time. Read the following article to get the education on panic attacks that you need.
Remind yourself during a panic attack that there is nothing wrong with you, your nervous system is just sensitive and reacting to some sort of stimulus. This is only temporary and it will pass, and that you’ll survive it and have absolutely no residual problems from the way it affects your body.
Alcohol and drug use can cause anxiety problems. If you want to overcome your panic and anxiety, it is important that you try to avoid drug and alcohol usage. If you follow this tip, you will be on your way to a healthier and happier you, not to mention less anxious.
If you take control of your panic attacks, you can resolve your symptoms easier. Try to distinguish the cause of your fear and anxiety and fight against it to overcome the panic attack.
No matter how much a panic attack makes you want to run and hide, DON’T. Stand up to your fear and stay right where you are. Once you realize that every time you don’t run nothing happens your brain will start to figure out that the fear thing isn’t working, and it won’t be able to take you over anymore.
To cut down on the amount of stress that someone feels they should increase the amount of exercise that they do. Stress is one of the leading causes of panic attacks. If someone can rid their lives of stress, they will be able to have less panic attacks and enjoy their lives more.
If you have panic attacks on a regular basis you should think about increasing the amount of exercise that you get. This can help you to limit the number of panic attacks you have because exercising will actually cut back on how stressed you feel. Stress is often what causes anxiety problems.
Anticipate your panic attack. If you have been suffering for panic attacks, you have to have a plan in place for dealing with them when they happen. You don’t want to be caught unawares, so know what you will do before you even start having a panic attack in the first place.
Become the person you need to be to beat panic attacks. If you want to be a confident person, imagine you are. If you want to have more control in your life, BELIEVE that you have complete control. Whenever you feel the opposite way stop what you’re doing, clear your mind of the bad thoughts, and remember you are the person you want to be.
Visualize yourself lying in a field of bubbles when you have your next panic attack. As they begin to burst you are able to move lower and lower into the pile of bubbles. The pile is never-ending so you know you are fully supported, relaxed, and surrounded by joy and love.
Don’t just listen to music when you’re having anxiety problems, get up and dance! Dance is a great way to exercise and get rid of the adrenaline absorbed by your body, ending your attack in a most enjoyable way. If you know that you get to dance when you have an attack you won’t feel so scared about it!
It is a good idea to reach out and talk to someone when you feel stress building up. Having a friend or loved one tell you something comforting makes it easier to calm down. Someone close enough to share a warm hug with your will have an even greater effect. Touch has a special way of making you feel reassured and protected.
To prevent lengthening or worsening a panic attack, avoid making the common mistake of retreating to a bathroom. For one, looking at yourself in a mirror will not make you feel better. The acoustics in a bathroom will also amplify the sounds of your breathing, and the cramped space will increase your anxiety.
If you can’t have a pet of your own, consider asking a friend who has one if you can visit often to spend time with them. Maybe they’ll let you take their dog for a walk, or groom their cat. You can do them a favor and you’ll get the reward of calmness to keep your panic attacks at bay.
Sometimes you just need to walk away. You are in a fight or flight situation during a panic attack and your adrenaline is pumping. Take a walk for a while to burn this energy as quickly as possible. You will regulate your system and slow the production of adrenaline by increasing your heart rate and bringing oxygen to your system quicker.
Affirm your anxiety as you go about your day by acknowledging it out loud. “Anxiety, I know you’re there, but I’m still going to finish making breakfast.” Ignoring it or pretending it’s not happening will only make things worse, but confronting it head on will allow you to finish what you’re doing without having the panic attack stop you.
Sometimes eating or drinking something healthy is an effective way to divert yourself from an oncoming panic attack. Fruit and cold water are especially good choices. In fact, many people also recommend splashing cold water on your face not only to distract yourself but also to slow your heart rate.
Birds of a feather flock together, and this can be true about people with anxiety issues. Try to stick with positive, upbeat people who already know how to tackle their problems and instead focus on being happy and you’ll find you have less to worry about and your panic attacks will become less frequent.
As was stated in the beginning of this article, anxiety problems can be controlled, contrary to what most people believe. Using the advice that this article has provided to you, will help you get your panic attacks under control, thus, allowing you to lead a more enjoyable and worry-free life.